

Bed Exercise for Parkinson's People

Bed Exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 1

A. This will help strengthen your neck muscles & improve your head posture.

1.Lie flat on the bed
2. Without lifting your head try and touch your chin to your chest. You should feel the muscles in the front of your neck tightening.3. Hold it for 10 counts and then relax.
4. Repeat it 10 times

bed exercise - Parkinson's people -no1-min

Bed exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 2

B. Raising arms – to stretch the fron of your body & improve shoulder range.

1. Keep your knees bent.
2. Raise your arms up and over your head and try to touch the ground above your head.
3. Don’t let your back arch.
4. Repeat 10 times
5. Do 2 sets

bed exercise - Parkinson's people -no2-min

Bed Exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 3

C. Trunk rotations -helps to reduce the stiffness in your body. Helps in turning in bed.
1. Bend both the knees and rotate it towards either sides.
2.Repeat for 10 counts.
3. Do 2 sets.

bed exercise - Parkinson's people -no3-min

Bed Exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 4

D. Bridging – helps in shifting in bed. Strengthens your core and legs.
1. Bend your knees and lift your hips as high as possible.
2. Hold for 10 counts and then relax.
3. Repeat 10 times

Bed Exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 5

Abdominal – Makes your core strong

1. Keep your knees bent and hands on your thighs.
2. Now lift your head and shoulder and reach forwards and try and touch your knees.( there should be no strain on the neck. Tuck your chin and do the exercise)
3. Then come back down slowly.
4. Do this 10 times.
5. Do 2 sets.

Bed Exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 6

3. Turning – to help you to turn more easily in bed

1. Lie on your back and bend both your knees. Keep your left hand out.
2. Now with force lift your left hand and take it across your body to the opposite side (right side)
3. At the same time rotate your knees to the right.
4. Then go back to the starting position.
5. Do this 10 times.
6. Then repeat on the other side.
7. Do 2 sets.

Bed Exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 7

Hip Flexion – strengthens the muscles required for walking
1. Lie on your back and lift one leg up just a few inches (as shown in the figure). Keep your knee straight.
2. Hold this position for 10 counts.
3.Repeact 10 times
4. Then Repeat on the other leg.

Bed Exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 8

5. Abduction – hip muscles strength is important for walking.
Lying on one side bend the lower leg as shown in the figure.
2. Now lift the upper leg keeping the knee straight.
3. Hold for 10 counts and then bring it down.
4. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Bed Exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 9

6. Back extension -good for your posture

1. Lie on your stomach.
2. Then lift your head and shoulder and rest on your elbow and forearms as shown in the figure.
3. Hold this position for 10 counts and then relax.
4. Do this 10 times.

Bed Exercise for Parkinson’s People – No: 10

7. Gluteal muscle exercise – very important for posture and back pain.

1. Lie on your stomach and bend one knee to 90 degrees.
2. Now from the bent leg up just a few inches towards the celling and hold for 10 seconds.
3. Do this 10 times.
4. Repeat on the other leg.

Lastly, I must advice that practice during on-period.