Case 1:
A 26 year female had severe intractable pain in the right upper abdomen radiating to the left side and to the upper back. All her investigations including the MR scan were normal and there was, as such, no surgically treatable cause. She was frustrated because of the excruciating and undiagnosed nature of the pain.
She consulted a pain specialist, who tried multiple options in the form of highest possible doses of pain killers, epidural injection and splanchnic nerve block. But all of his efforts were in vain and the pain continued to trouble her tremendously causing not only physical but psychological disturbances as well.
As last try, she consulted us. After due consideration and discussion, she was given a trial of Spinal Cord Stimulation. She experienced a significant pain relief, after which permanent implantation of the leads was done.
Case 2: CRPS with cervical spinal cord stimulation
14th January 2014, was the most unfortunate day for this 24-year lady who was traveling by train from home to office. Her hand got caught between the train door. She was rushed to the hospital immediately. According to the doctor, there were no major injuries and they were managed conservatively.
No sooner as she heaved a sigh of relief, her pain recurred, associated with flushing of hand with severe night pain unremitted by all possible painkillers. She was diagnosed as a case of CRPS (Chronic regional pain syndrome), that is the pain of regenerating nerve roots.
To promote the healing of the nerves, she tried experimental stem cell therapy, which was also fruitless.
She underwent spinal cord stimulation at another center, which provided excellent relief. However, in few months’ time, the lead got dislocated with a severe recurrence of her pain.
As a last resort, she consulted us. We assessed her and found that due to repeated procedures she had high chances of failure of therapy and hence we offered her to undergo an open surgery of paddle lead placement. This worked well for her and she got excellent pain relief and relief from her symptoms following the procedure.
Case 3: Failed Back Surgery
74 years retired male, but doing day to day activities effortlessly, he started experiencing severe low back pain radiator to both lower limbs. He consulted a spine surgeon who advised MR-Scan which showed degenerative spine disease (L5-S1 PIVD). He underwent decompressed spine surgery with pedicle screw fixation for the same.
Unfortunately, the pain did not reduce after surgery; on the contrary he was in agony. He consulted the same surgeon; a repeat surgery was performed to remove the pedicle screw which was pressing the nerve root.However, his pain worsened and it was not responding to any medications. Simpler interventions, like life transformational adhesiolysis or physiotherapy. With a last ray of hope he consulted us. We gave him a trial of spinal cord stimulation for 4 days. To his surprise, the pain reduced substantially so much that he was able to walk effortlessly; confirming the satisfactory pain control, internalization of lead was done. After 1 year follow-up, he is enjoying his retirement.