
Balance Exercises for People with Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson is a progressive disorder of the central nervous system, affects an individual’s motor system and results in shaking, tremors, difficulty in walking, etc. While there are medications like Levodopa and Amantadine which are often prescribed to Parkinson’s disease. Exercising could be one of the best ways to stay healthy in Parkinson. So, maintaining balance can be a challenge for people who are suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Today, we will share top 12 balancing exercise for people with Parkinson’s disease.


Tips before begin balancing exercise for Parkinson people

  1. Pick an appropriate time to exercise.
  2.  well-controlled by your medication or do exercise On-Phase time of Patient.
  3. Exercise at your own pace.
  4. Always have a stable support (such as a chair or table that doesn’t move) procurable, to carry on to if required.
  5.  If you experience pain or issue with these exercises, stop and consult your therapist or doctor.   I

Top 12 Balance Exercises for People with Parkinson’s Disease

1) Static standing balance

It is one of the best balancing exercises for Parkinson disease.

Stand upright facing a chair or a table.
Standing with your feet shoulder dimension apart. Hold for thirty seconds.
Stand along with your feet together. Keep your body up upright. Hold for thirty seconds.


2) Tandem standing

Now, Stand with one foot ahead of the opposite, so your heel and toe are in line, keep your body upright and maintain your balance. Try to look straight ahead. Hold for thirty seconds.

Repeat with the opposite foot ahead.

You can progress this exercise into a dynamic one.


3) Wall leans

Another best exercise for Parkinson patients.

Stand with your back against the wall with your feet far away.

Pull your body aloof from the wall using your leg strength, until your body is upright.
Slowly move your hips backward until it touches the wall once more than move your higher body to the touch the wall. Your toes ought to carry up slightly throughout a movement.

Repeat ten times.

Now, we move onto a series of dynamic balance exercises that involve maintaining your balance while moving your feet.


4) Tandem Walk

Choose a spot sooner than you and focus on it to stay you steady as you walk by placing your heel simply before of the toe of your alternative foot.

Repeat for twenty steps.


5) Single leg stand

Raise one leg so you are balancing on your opposite side. Hold for 10 seconds.

Repeat with the alternate leg. As you are feeling steadier, you’ll be able to balance for an extended balance time.


6) Side Stepping

Take a step sideways with one leg, followed by the opposite leg.

Continue walking sideways for ten steps.

Repeat in the alternative direction.


7) Lateral Weight shift

Stand with feet shoulder breadth apart. Gradually shift your weight to the right as far as possible, without taking a step.

Come back to beginning position. Repeat the Same process to the left side.

Hold every position for three seconds. Repeat ten times.


8) Backward Walking

Step back leading along with your toes, followed by your heel. Repeat on the opposite leg.

Continue for ten steps.


9) Alternate stepping

Stand close to a stable support. Place one foot on a step and so place it back on the ground.

Repeat with the opposite leg.

Continue for ten steps whereas alternating between legs.


10) Saving steps

Slowly shift your weight as the way forwards or sideways as doable, then take a fast step forward.

Hold balance during this position for three seconds, then come back to start position.

Repeat five times.


11) 8 Pattern exercise

Place 2 objects about 2m apart on the floor. Walk in a figure of eight patterns and maintain your balance.

Repeat ten times.


12) Dual Tasking

It is another best balancing exercise for Parkinson’s disease.

Practice walking for 2 minutes while performing one of the following tasks:

  • Motor tasks, such as holding a cup of water
    Cognitive tasks, such as:
  • Subtracting a random number by 3.
  • Naming objects e.g. animals, colors.
  • Holding a conversation with another person.


Demystify Parkinson’s disease with essential information you need to know. Explore our blog post: Demystifying Parkinson’s Disease: What You Need to Know


For dual tasking, primary attention should be on balancing and walking, with all other activities as secondary tasks.
Before starting exercise, You can consult with neurological physiotherapists in all acute hospitals.

Remember, it is never too late to start exercising. Begin today and enjoy its benefits! If you have already been exercising daily, keep up the great work!