
traveling-tips-for Parkinson-patient-or fighter

Tips For Traveling With Parkinson’s Disease Patient 

Nowadays Medical treatment for Parkinson’s disease has made an enormous difference in the lives of people with Parkinson’s disease. It has proved that the way to deal with this disease is not just to take medicine. Living with PD now also means living actively. The disease causes a tremor on a different part of the body (shaking of the hands, arms, legs, jaw, or tongue) and rigid muscles. It generally slows down movement and disrupts balance and coordination. No matter how helpful PD medications are, the disease worsens as time passes. If you are going out off town for a few days, a Parkinson’s patient or the patient’s caretaker needs to remember a few points during the traveling time. If you are going away on a holiday in Europe, Iceland for example, you will need to be aware of what to pack for iceland and any extras that may be needed to ensure a well-thought-out and safe traveling plan.

Sometimes, It can be difficult and frustrating for them to simply move,


Few Traveling Tips for Parkinson’s Patient or Parkinson Fighter

  1. Carry complete sets of your medicines. One set with you and the other in your luggage.
  2. Following a good list will help you be prepared and not be over-packed.
  3. Plan in advance to avoid stress during the trip. Assign roles within the group, including a group leader. Schedule activities according to the pace of the slowest group member. Keep the budget in mind and stick to it.
  4. Pack light but remember to bring necessary items. Consider carrying a seat cushion in your cabin bag for comfort. Bring your own eating utensils, non-slip mat, straws, and napkins for convenience. Consider bringing items like ankle supports, back support, and a seat cushion for comfort.
  5. Carry a water bottle with you at all times and some snacks.
  6. If you are going on a long trip, rest a day before leaving and a day after arriving. Drink extra water on the day before travel if you wish to reduce the number of visits to the bathroom.
  7. If you are traveling with parkinson’s disease through different time zones, take your medicine while traveling as per the place of departure. Ensure you have an ample supply of medications for the journey. Pack extra medication in case of delays. Maintain a strict medication schedule. Keep all prescriptions and documents in one easily accessible folder.
  8. You should have a proper meal planning. Opt for packed lunches during travel to save time. Have sit-down dinners to relax in the evenings. Ensure you maintain your usual meal routine as much as possible.
  9. Allow extra time for dressing, eating and walking in unfamiliar settings. Dress in loose and comfortable clothing. Wear support stockings to prevent leg swelling. Choose comfortable and easy-to-wear shoes. Bring warm socks or slippers for comfort during the flight.
  10. You may need one or two extra doses of Syndopa on the day of travel. Don’t worry.
  11. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes before moving outside.
  12. For In-flight Comfort, stretch and move regularly during the flight. Take breaks to stretch and move your body. Consider staying seated until the plane is almost empty to avoid standing in crowds.
  13. Make sure your cell phone is charged and Be sure all phone contacts are current.
  14. Make your journey with an enjoyable experience, listen to music, read books, see other’s activity. By following the tips provided for traveling with Parkinson’s disease, you can ensure that your next trip will be a revitalizing adventure.
  15. Do not take the stress. How much energy you have for site seeing activities and other events. Pay attention to how you are feeling and rest when you need to.

While traveling with Parkinson’s unwellness might not be spontaneous, carefree expertise. You’ll be able to still relish a beautiful time away with some advance designing and preparation.