General Health


Best Diet & Nutrition for Parkinson's Disease There is no specific diet can treat Parkinson's disease or its symptoms. It is true that a healthy and balanced diet can improve general well-being. Parkinson's patient should eat fruit and vegetables, fiber-rich...

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Best Tips to Parkinson’s Caregiver

Best Tips to Parkinson's Caregiver Parkinson's disease is a complex and progressive Neuro disorder that's different for everyone. Many of us have a misconception about Parkinson's disease. People with Parkinson's disease need to live with Parkinson's. We know that Parkinson's...

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Best anxiety remove apps Today We will get to know about Some best anxiety remove apps. Let's us know that what are the apps available. These apps are available to look after your mental health. So, we have discussed and...

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10 Top Tips for Good Sleep Good night sleep depends on regular exercise and proper diet. Poor sleep has immediate negative effects on your hormones, exercise performance, and brain function. Lack of sleep increases various disease. Here are 10 top...

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Top Food to Boost Your Brain and Memory

Top Food to Boost Your Brain and Memory- Dr Paresh Doshi We are here to tell the list of Top food to boost your brain and memory. Balance diet or good food is good for mental health as well as...

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Tips To Remove Anxiety Stress and anxiety are common in today's life. Many patients shared their anxiety and related problems with me. Today, we will discuss the tips to remove anxiety. Luckily, there are a number of different methods out...

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Wonder how many have you seen the allegorical sci-fi movie Elysium (2013) showing what life on earth will be in 2154. Today, we have discussed top 13 Medical Gadgets that revolutionize our health. I remember the movie because of an...

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Top Benefits of Walking for Health

Would you believe if someone told you about a wonder drug which won't cost you anything, is appropriate for all age groups, time-tested, scientifically proven, easily accessible, needs no excuses and has no side effects. Do you want to know...

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